
2019.06.28Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2019 Summer Issue


1)The New Interactive Arbitration Rules of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association

2)Safety Regulations for Consumer Products in Japan

3)Overview of the Ethics Act and the Ethics Code

2019.03.29Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2019 Spring Issue



2)Japan's New Immigration Policy

3)Renewable Energy Development : Handling of Non-operating Approved Commercial Photovoltaic Power Generation Projects

2018.12.21Winter Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2018 Winter Issue


1)Recent Developments and Prospects on Japanese Stock-for-Stock M&A Regulations

2)The Regulatory Sandbox in Japan

3)FAQ on Investments in Medical Organizations

2018.09.25Autumn Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2018 Autumn Issue


1)The Newly Published Sample Investment Limited Partnership Agreement: An Amendment of the Former Model Agreement for Venture Capital Funds

2)Legislation for the Promotion of Work Style Reform

3)The New Law on Integrated Resorts in Japan

2018.06.22Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2018 Summer Issue


1)The New Japanese Prosecutorial Agreement System

2)Fair Disclosure Rule

3)The Use of Tax Haven Companies as Investment Vehicles under the New CFC Rule of Japan

4)Japanese Supreme Court Provides Guidance on Arbitrator's Duty to Disclose a Potential Conflict of Interest in an International Arbitration

2018.03.19Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2018 Spring Issue


1)Amendments to the Civil Code of Japan (Part 3):Formulaic General Comditions

2)Virtual Currency Regulation in Japan

3)The Problem of Unknown Land Owners and the Japanese Real Estate Registration System

2017.12.18Winter Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2017 Winter Issue


1)Amended Guidelines on Distribution Systems and Business Practices

2)Disclosure of Individual Voting Records under the Revised Stewardship Code

3)The Latest Movement on Maternity Harassment

4)Amendments to the Civil Code of Japan (Part 2) : Cancellation of Contracts and Guarantee Obligations

2017.09.15Autumn Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2017 Autumn Issue


1)Amendments to the Civil Code of Japan (Part 1) : Extinctive Prescription
and Statutory Interest Rate

2)The New "Minpaku" Law

3)An Overview of the Civil Rehabilitation Proceedings in Japan

Employee Hiring Guidelines in Japan

2017.06.27Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2017 Summer Issue


1)Historic Agreement on Upper Overtime Limits

2)Recent Tightening of Enforcement of the Subcontract Act

3)Liability for Damages from Automated Vehicle Accidents in Japan

4)Supreme Court Decision on the Fifth Requirement of
  the Doctrine of Equivalents - DKSH Japan K.K. et al. v.
  Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (the "Maxacalcitol Case")

2017.03.31Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2017 Spring Issue


1)The Supreme Court Disallowed the Deletion of
  Google's Search Results

2)Equal Treatment in Labor Conditions Prompted
  by Recent Court Decisions

3)FinTech-Related Amendments to the Banking Act,
  Payment Services Act and Installment Sales Act

4)The "Minpaku" Business in Japan

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