
2016.12.20Winter Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2016 Winter Issue


1)Supreme Court Clarifies Fair Price in a Two-Step Merger Japan

2)Superior Bargaining Position under Antitrust Law

3)Arbitral Award Set Aside by Osaka High Court
  for Arbitrator's Failure to Disclose Potential Conflict of Interest

2016.09.30Autumn Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2016 Autumn Issue


1)Protecting Personal Information
  Beyond the Borders of Japan

2)New Surcharge System under the Act Against
  Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations

3)Revisions to Employee Invention Provisions under the
  Patent Act

4)New Law to be Passed to Regulate Clinical Research
  Partnerships in Japan

5)Remaining Difficulties After Removal of Residence
  Requirement for Representative Directors

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