
2024.06.28Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2024 Summer Issue


1)Overview of the New Freelance Act and Some Remaining Issues for Freelancers

2)Overview of Responsive Actions to Defamatory Posts

2024.03.29Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2024 Spring Issue


1)Overview of Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers: Enhancing Corporate Value and Securing Shareholders’ Interests – Part II

2)Updates on the LGBTQ+ Status in Japan and Duties of Companies Related Thereto

2023.12.22Winter Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2023 Winter Issue


1)Recent Amendments to the Arbitration Act and the New Mediation Law concerning the Enforcement of International Mediation – Part II

2)Overview of Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers: Enhancing Corporate Value and Securing Shareholders’ Interests – Part I

2023.09.22Autumn Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2023 Autumn Issue


1)Recent Amendments to the Arbitration Act and the New Mediation Law concerning the Enforcement of International Mediation – Part I

2)Overview of Revitalization Support for SMEs in Japan

2023.06.23Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2023 Summer Issue


1)Business and Human Rights in Japan

2)Diversity & Inclusion: LGBTQ+ Status in Japan

2023.03.27Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2023 Spring Issue


1)Compliance with Building Standards under the New Energy Regulations in Japan

2)High-Speed Trading Regulations in Japan – Latest Developments Almost Four Years after their Introduction –

2022.12.23Winter Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2022 Winter Issue


1)Wolf Pack Activism vs. Poison Pill in Japan

2)Basic Structure of Real Estate Finance in Japan

2022.09.29Autumn Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2022 Autumn Issue


1)Stablecoins Regulations in Japan

2)A Commentary on the System of Calling for Third-Party Comments (From the Perspective of a Drafter of the Bill)

2022.06.24Summer Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2022 Summer Issue


1)Merger Control Regulations in Japan

2)Legal Protection of Big Data in Japan

2022.03.23Spring Issue

OH-EBASHI English Newsletter_2022 Spring Issue


1)Recent Developments in Court Decisions on Poison Pills in Japan

2)How Foreign Insurers Can Sell Insurance Products in Japan

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