Partner Aiko Hosokawa
Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2011)
Location : Tokyo Office
Practice Areas
Professional Summary
Aiko Hosokawa is a partner at Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners with a broad experience in the area of international and domestic dispute resolution. Especially, she has expertise in international arbitration and has been involved in various international arbitration cases as counsel. She also advises clients on international commercial transactions.
Major Cases Handled
Aiko Hosokawa has represented clients in various arbitration cases in major international arbitration institutions such as ICC, SIAC, AAA-ICDR and JCAA.
Education & Professional Experience
Returned to our Tokyo Office
Gleiss Lutz (Stuttgart Office)
International Academy for Arbitration Law, Paris (Certificate)
University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (LL.M.)
Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
The University of Tokyo School of Law (J.D.)
The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)
Deputy Secretary General, Japan International Dispute Resolution Center (JIDRC)
Member, German-Japanese Association of Jurists(Deutsch-Japanische Juristenvereinigung e.V.)
Outside Member of the Ethics Committee, Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Member, Japan Association of Arbitrators
Publications Archives
Seminars/Lectures Archives
- 2024.04.24
- How the Singapore Convention on Mediation will Change Japan-Related Cross-Border Disputes
- 2022.10.06
- 【Online Seminar】Points Parties Should Know to Navigate the JCAA's Interactive Arbitration Rules
- 2019.06.04
- YSIAC-YJAA Tokyo Workshop 2019
- 2018.08.07
- 【Osaka】A Study of the Main Points of the Amendments of the Law of Obligations through Case Studies
- 2018.07.04
- 【Tokyo】A Study of the Main Points of the Amendments of the Law of Obligations through Case Studies
- 2017.09.29
- EBS Law Term 2017 "Doing Business in Japan"
- 2018.01.23 ~2018.02.19
- "Sharing Economy"in Japan - Recent Developments and Pertinent Legal Issues
Japanese and English