Partner Michiko Kanai

Osaka Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (1990)

Location : Osaka Office

Education & Professional Experience

April 1998
Partner, Oh-Ebashi LPC& Partners

September 1994 - March 1995
Seconded at Nabarro Nathanson, London, U.K

March 1990
Admitted to the Osaka Bar Association

October 1987
Passed the New York State Bar Exam

1986 - 1987
Visiting Researcher at Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School (LL.M.)

October 1984
Passed the Japanese Bar Exam

Kobe University (LL.B.)

April 1979- April 1981
Programmer, Woodland K.K., Osaka, Japan

Kyoto University (B.A.)


2024 - present
Chairman, Osaka City Review Committee for the Fair Performance of Duties

2022 - present
Member, Osaka City Review Committee for the Fair Performance of Duties

2020 - present
Outside Director, As one Corporation

2020 - 2023
President, Osaka City Personal Information Protection Council

2019 - present
Member, Council for Collaborative Educational Curriculum for Graduate Schools of Kobe University

2019 - present
Member, Committee for Proper Performance by Lawyers of Their Duties, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations

2019 - 2021
Member, Expert Committee for the Promotion of Reform of Osaka City Management

2018 - present
Council Member, General Incorporated Foundation Kobe City School Lunch Council

2017 - 2018
Vice President, Osaka Bar Association

2017 - 2018
Executive Director, Kinki Federation of Bar Associations

2016 - present
Outside Director, IDEC Corporation

2016 - 2020
Member, Osaka City Specified Organizations Management Monitoring Conference Committee

2016 - 2019
Committee Member, Osaka City Personal Information Protection Council

2016 - 2018
Committee Member, Kobe City Consumer Claim Handling Council

2015 - present
Outside Company Auditor, Sankyo Seiko Co., Ltd.

2015 - present
Outside Director, Kondotec Inc.

2015 - present
Committee Member, Osaka Waste Management Authority Information Disclosure Review Board

2015 - 2017
Committee Member, Osaka City Public Records Management Committee

2012 - 2016
Committee Member, Osaka City Information Disclosure Review Board

2007 - 2017
Outside Company Auditor, USJ Co., Ltd.

2005 - 2006
Lecturer, International Seminar on Civil and Commercial Law Course, Osaka International Center, Japan International Cooperation Agency (Title: M&A in Japan)

2000 - 2018
Committee Member, Administrative Review Committee, etc., Kobe Consumer Conference

1999 - 2016
Coordinator, Business Law Forum, Kansai Productivity Center

1995 - 2000
Part-time Lecturer, Graduate School at Kyushu University, Faculty of Law, Japanese Case Law and Practice


Japanese and English
