Partner Daisuke Mure
Managing Partner
Osaka Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2000)
New York State Bar Association (2008)
Location : Osaka Office
and Nagoya Office
Practice Areas
Professional Summary
Mr. Mure has an expertise in complicated and wide-ranging employment laws and regulations, and provides consulting services on personnel and employment issues to client-companies in all industries and of all sizes.
Mr. Mure has represented clients in various court proceedings such as litigation, provisional disposition proceedings and labor dispute adjudication proceedings, as well as proceedings before the Labor Relations Commission including claims seeking an order for relief.
Mr. Mure is also very experienced in providing services in highly unique and specialized areas of employment law, and have accumulated the needed knowhow relevant thereto, such as collective bargaining with non-company based unions, investigations by the Labor Standards Office (such as an investigation for unpaid overtime or application for approval as an industrial accident), mediation before the prefectural labor bureau, and pension plans.
Mr. Mure has been admitted to the New York bar after completing post-graduate studies in the United States, and can provide legal services in English. He has a wealth of experience in handling global employment issues, and provides legal services to foreign-affiliated companies developing their business in Japan as well as Japanese companies who want to develop their business globally.
Major Cases Handled
Noteworthy Accomplishments
・Claim for payment of Welfare Pension against Matsushita Electric Industries (currently, Panasonic) (2003-2010)
・Petition for acceptance of final appeal seeking confirmation of an employee status against Panasonic Plasma Display (2009)
・Unfair labor practice case of an electrical appliance manufacturer (2013)
・Unfair labor practice case of a manufacturer (2013)
・Case regarding the Act Concerning the Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons involving a major manufacturer (2013)
・Sexual harassment case of an IT and media-related company (2014)
・Claim seeking confirmation of an employee status against a manufacturer relating to mental health (2015)
・Claim for payment of overtime against a restaurant chain relating to the qualification as a manager (2015)
・Claim for seeking confirmation of an employee status against a pharmaceutical company relating to dismissal (2016)
・Unfair labor practice case of a major wholesaler (2018)
・Claim seeking confirmation of an employee status against the Japan Cargo Tally Corporation (2022)
Education & Professional Experience
October 2024 -
Managing Partner, Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP (Philadelphia Office)
University of Michigan Law School (LL.M.)
The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)
Adjunct Instructor, Kyushu University, LLM, Employment Law
-Japan Labor Law Association
-The Japan Association of Occupational Health Law
-Management Lawyers Council
-International Bar Association(IBA)
Publications Archives
- 2019.12
- International Legal Practice
- 2017.12.18
- The Latest Movement on Maternity Harassment
Seminars/Lectures Archives
- 2021.05.13 ~2021.07.02
- 【Online Seminar: Video Streaming】Review in 30 Minutes! Labor Law Series: 7 Questions on Telecommuting - Follow-up on Basic Matters Concerning Telecommuting (Working from Home)
- 2017.10.20
- Business in the United States - Comparison of Key Points in Employment Laws of Various States
- 2015.08
- the Basic knowledge and the practical points on the management of working hour and overtime payment
Highly acclaimed in " Labour and employment " section, The Legal 500 Asia Pacific 2025
Highly acclaimed in "Labor and Employment Law" section, The Best Lawyers in Japan 2025
Highly acclaimed in "Labor and Employment Law" section, The Best Lawyers in Japan 2024
Japanese and English