Counsel Kumpei Ohashi
Tokyo Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2002)
Japan Patent Attorneys Association(2006)
New York (2015)
Location : Tokyo Office
Practice Areas
Professional Summary
For around 10 years after registering as an attorney, Mr. Ohashi focused his practice on bankruptcy cases (including civil rehabilitation and bankruptcy trustee cases) and dispute resolution cases (including intellectual property litigations, real estate litigations, etc.), and handled many criminal cases mostly as court-appointed counsel.
After studying in the U.S. for two years, Mr. Ohashi had the opportunity to be involved in many issues related to overseas transactions and business alliances in China, the U.S., Europe, and other countries. Mr. Ohashi focused his practice in the three areas of dispute resolution and prevention, intellectual property, and criminal law (criminal defense, corporate investigation, filing acccusations, etc.), while also handling bar association or government related activities.
In the area of dispute resolution and prevention, he makes particular efforts to acquire and improve his skills such as persuasive writing techniques or cross-examination techniques. He also applys the experience and skills gained in litigation cases to promptly analyzing cases, comparing possible strategies, and presenting these in an easy-to-understand manner, while providing advice on dispute prevention and early resolution (e.g., business negotiations, contract negotiations, settlement negotiations).
Mr. Ohashi also strive to acquire technical knowledge, particularly in the field of information technology, so that he can properly handle cases in which technical matters need to be considered.
Major Cases Handled
Civil Litigation Cases
- Litigations concerning business transactions
- Litigations concerning internal dispute in a business enterprise
- Litigations relating to company law
(Litigations relating to resolutions at shareholders meetings, validity of new share issuance, existence of the status of directors, directors liablitly, etc.)
- Litigations relating to intellectual property law
(Litigations relating to patent, design patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets, etc.)
- Litigations relating to bankruptcy law
- Real Estate Litigations
- Litigations relating to debt management and collection
Criminal cases
- Financial and economic cases (criminal defense, criminal accusation, internal investigations, etc.)
- Acquitted cases
(abandonment by a person responsible for protection causing death (Supreme Court, 2018), double murder and arson (Tokyo High Court, 2016), smuggling of methamphetamine (Tokyo District Court, 2017), indecent assault (Tokyo High Court, 2016))
Education & Professional Experience
Atsumi & Sakai (2017-2022 Partner)
Columbia Law School(LL.M.)
Visiting Researcher at New York University School of Law
Matsuda & Partners
Kanto Law Office
The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)
Bar Examination Examiner and Preliminary Bar Examination Examiner (Criminal Law, 2019 to 2021)
Member of the research team on criminal matters of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2022 - present)
Publications Archives
- 2024.10.01
- How to Make Cyber Insurance Work for You
- 2007.12
- Criminal Defense for Beginners
How can you represent those people? (co-translation, Gendai Jinbunsha, 2017)
Psychological Foundations of Evidence Law (co-translated, Nippon Hyoronsha, 2022 )
Affiliation, Certification, etc.
Member of NPO Institute of Digital Forensics (2010 - present)
Applied Information Technology Engineer Examination (2022)
JDLA Deep Learning For GENERAL (2023) and ENGINEER (2023)
Japanese and English