Partner Yuta Shozaki

Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2012)
New York (2024)

Location : Tokyo Office

Major Cases Handled

- Rams Corporation (a maritime enterprise) – Corporate reorganization: assistant trustee (2015)
- Corporate Rehabilitation of Chotokan (Grand Hotel Hamamatsu) (Hotel Management Business, etc.), as Counsel for the Petitioner; a DIP-type Corporate Reorganization (2013)

Education & Professional Experience

Sept. 2023
Candidate for Third-Party Support Specialists under the “Guidelines for Business Rehabilitation, etc., of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises”

Dec. 2022
Qualified as Support Agency for Business Innovation

Dec. 2022
Specialist Staff of the Management Stability Special Counseling Office (The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

Sept. 2022
Returned to our Tokyo Office

May. 2022
University of California, Los Angeles School of Law (LL.M.)

Sept. 2018 - Jun. 2021
The Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Revitalization Support Council (Chushokigyo Saisei Shien Kyogikai) of Tokyo Metropolitan Government (Sub-Manager)

The University of Tokyo School of Law (J.D.)

The University of Tokyo (LL.B.)


- Bankruptcy Law Section, Daiichi Tokyo Bar Association
- Japanese Association of Turnaround Professionals
- National Network of Lawyers Handling Bankruptcy
- Specialist Staff of the Management Stability Special Counseling Office (The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry)


Japanese & English
