North America

The close economic relationship between Japan and the United States does not require much explanation. Japanese companies have been carrying out various commercial transactions in the United States, including joint investments with U.S. companies, for a long time, and there is a massive and constant flow of people and communication between the two countries in connection with such business activities.

In the United States, which is known to be litigation-oriented, companies may be forced to bear a huge burden in terms of workload and cost once they are involved in a lawsuit. Therefore, it is important for companies to take preventive measures against legal risks in order to prevent any lawsuit. However, if a lawsuit is unavoidable, then its handling thereof in an appropriate and systematic manner is essential because any error in such handling may result in tremendous liability, especially in cases involving the jury system.

Furthermore, when Japanese companies have transactions with U.S. companies or invest in the Unites States, they should, as a matter of course, fully understand the relevant state and federal laws applied in the United States. It is also becoming more and more necessary for them to conduct corporate activities with sufficient knowledge of certain laws that may be applied to them extraterritorially in specific cases such as antitrust law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

Many of our attorneys have studied and practiced in the United States, and we have handled multiple matters involving business activities in the United States or U.S. counterparties. Thus, we can provide advice and support to our clients taking into consideration the practices and working styles of U.S. attorneys and companies.

Furthermore, the number of Japanese companies expanding their businesses into Canada is increasing because of the favorable business conditions therein including inexpensive prices of land, labor and electricity, abundant water supply, easy business access to the United States fostered by the North American Free Trade Agreement, and other advantages including an excellent workforce and the availability of R&D infrastructure.

Our firm employs a system that enables us to appropriately and efficiently provide legal services to our clients relating to legal matters involving North America, through our collaboration with global and local law firms depending on the nature and scale of the businesses or transactions of the clients, and other relevant circumstances.

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What are the Laws and Regulations Governing Cross-border E-commerce? With a Focus on the Risks of Consumer Protection Laws in the U.S. and the EU
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[Serial Article/Legal Affairs for Companies Expanding Overseas] [No.9] Climate Change and Corporate Litigation Risk
Inventions Made Across Boarders and the Attachment Foreign Filling Restrictions: Conflicts in the Restrictions and How They Are Handled
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Summary of Countermeasures for Counterfeit Products in the US
Patent Enforcement Practices Before, During and After Patent Litigation Proceedings in Japan - A Comparative Analysis with Germany and the United States -
Protection of Geographical Indications under the TPP and Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
The Ways of Limiting Injunctive Relief in Patent Infringement Litigation and their Effects - Current Japanese Practices and Suggestions for their Future Improvements, based on the Recent Trends in Germany and the United States -
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Lecture on Practices of the U.S. Antitrust Laws
Reading of U.S. Supreme Court Cases: Commentary on Intellectual Property and Business Cases in the 21st Century
Document Production Procedure and the Scope of Privilege in Investment Treaty Arbitration
"Emergency Measures to Rescue Financial Institutions in the US,"
"Formulation of Financial Institution Rescue Measures in the United States"
Guide to International Legal Practice (1) to (11)
"Q&A on Reorganization of US Branches and Subsidiaries - Procedures, Tax/Legal Issues under Local Legislation,"
"US-Japan Comparison - Tax and Legal Matters of Financial Instruments,"
"Tax Q&A on Corporate Restructuring Across Japan and the US"



【Online Seminar】 Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (11): Features and Points to Note concerning Patent Infringement Litigation in the U.S. through Comparison with Patent Infringe Litigation in Japan
【Online Seminar】 Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (10): Points to Note Regarding Competition Law in Major Countries
【Online Seminar】 Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (6): Labor Issue - Managerial Measures that can be Taken during a Crisis and Matters to be Noted (Employment Adjustment, etc.)
【Online Seminar】Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (5): Security Guarantee and Business (Conflicts between Countries and Regulations on Specific Corporations)
【Onilne Seminar】Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (1): Basics of Investment in Startups in the U.S.
【Onilne Seminar】Series of M&A Legal Practice Seminars (12): Basics of M&A Investment Regulations through Comparison between Japan and the United States
【Onilne Seminar】New Series of International Legal Practice Seminars (7): International Labor Affairs - Working without Being Employed
【Onilne Seminar】New Series of International Legal Practice Seminars (6): Overseas JV and Competition Law (Antitrust Law)
【Online Seminar: Video Streaming】New Series of International Legal Practice Seminars (4): Cross-border Bankruptcy - COVID-19 Pandemic-induced Trends in Corporate Bankruptcies around the World and U.S. Chapter 11 Cases
【Onilne Seminar】New Series of International Legal Practice Seminars (4): International Bankruptcy - COVID-19 Pandemic-induced Trends in Corporate Bankruptcies around the World and U.S. Chapter 11 Cases
【Online Seminar】International Legal Practice Seminar (8): International Civil Litigation - Featuring Civil Litigation Procedures in the U.S
【Online Seminar】International Legal Practice Seminar (1): Differences and Commonalities between International Legal Practice and Domestic Legal Practice
【Osaka】FIRRMA will Comprehensively Take Effect in February 2020: Learn through Q&A regarding the Latest CFIUS Review Procedure
【Tokyo】FIRRMA will Comprehensively Take Effect in February 2020: Learn through Q&A regarding the Latest CFIUS Review Procedure
Latest Trends in Compliance in Japan, the U.S. and Europe
Summary of Products Liability Systems in Foreign Countries and Practices Thereunder - Focusing on the Systems to Report and Recall Defective Consumer Goods in the United States, European Countries and China
Most Suitable Measures to be Taken against Business Partners in Bankruptcy Proceedings in Japan and the U.S.A. in view of Case Studies
【Tokyo】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
【Osaka】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
【Tokyo】The Cutting Edge of the CFIUS Review Process since the Enactment of FIRRMA
Present and Future of "Technology" Transfer to China - With Reference to US Policy Concerning China and Technology -
【Osaka】The Cutting Edge of the CFIUS Review Process since the Enactment of FIRRMA
Current and Future Technology Transactions with China
【Osaka】U.S. and European Investment Restrictions that May Affect Cross-Border M&As -- Focusing on the CFIUS
【Tokyo】U.S. and European Investment Restrictions that May Affect Cross-Border M&As -- Focusing on the CFIUS
Crisis Management and Compliance Measures -- Based on the Latest Practices of an American Law Firm
Understanding the Fair Disclosure Rules and the Consequences Thereof for IR Practices in 90 Minutes -With a reference also to Cases of Penalties in the United States
Recent Developments regarding the Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan, the United States and China
Business in the United States - Comparison of Key Points in Employment Laws of Various States
Exhaustion of Patent Rights in Japan, U.S. and China

