Protection of Personal Information and Privacy
In Japan and in many other countries, legal systems concerning personal information are being newly established or amended every year. Such legal systems and the remedies for violations of personal privacy will not only likely become more important, they will also become more complex.
In this context, we provide advice that focuses on three pillars in the area of protection of personal information and privacy.
The first pillar is internationality. The handling of personal information can easily cross national borders, and it is not uncommon for 10 to 20 countries to be involved. We have abundant experience in dealing with the legal systems concerning the protection of personal information of countries all over the world, including the EU and the U.S., as well as China and other Asian countries, and can provide legal advice by putting together the best teams of attorneys and experts, including overseas law firms, if necessary, based on the client's needs and budget. In addition, because personal information is processed internationally, the legal systems of different countries influence each other, and in particular, the development trends of the legal systems and discussions in Europe and the U.S. have a significant effect on the legal system and discussions in Japan. Based on our international knowledge, we are able to provide advice on the Japanese system that is consistent with such global trends.
The second pillar is an understanding of technology and systems. Needless to say, personal information is based on and requires complex technologies and systems to process it. In dealing with the protection of personal information in the past, the emphasis was on the drafting of privacy policies, personal information protection rules and similar legal documents, but currently, as illustrated by terms such as cookie banners and dark patterns, the emphasis has shifted toward effective communication with the subject, which, even from this perspective, requires an understanding of web designs and other technologies. However, legal compliance departments may not necessarily be familiar with such technologies and systems. We do not merely provide legal advice, but also contribute to the smooth processing of personal information by supporting communication with business and systems departments based on our technical expertise.
The third pillar is an understanding of the business. Every business processes personal information, and such processing is inseparable from the actual conditions of the business and the environment in which the business operates. The business environment is also growing and changing rapidly, and information is being used in ways that were never seen before. For example, traditional manufacturing companies as well as emerging IT businesses may all utilize the user usage status of products and online services for planning and development, or the status of working conditions of their employees by analyzing the same to create a better work environment. Hence, advice given solely from the perspective of personal information protection without taking into account such business environment may be considered to be far removed from the actual conditions of the business, and therefore, may not be useful. We try to understand the unique circumstances of each client and each business, such as IT, medical and healthcare, mobility, consumer electronics, entertainment, etc., and provide advice that is tailored to the actual conditions of each business.
Lawyers in charge of Protection of Personal Information and Privacy
- Shiro Kuniya
- Kazuhiro Kobayashi
- Ko Matsui
- Motonobu Wakabayashi
- Daisuke Mure
- Ryo Matsumoto
- Yohei Hasebe
- Yuki Kuroda
- Toshiyuki Sawai
- Miho Kodera
- Mizuki Kanno
- Takashi Komoguchi
- Takahiro Nakayama
- Seiro Hirata
- Takuya Uehara
- Go Hashimoto
- Keisuke Hayashi
- Takashi Koyama
- Kumpei Ohashi
- Masafumi Takeda
- Kochi Hashimoto
- Aya Hiraoka
- Shintaro Nakamura