Cross Border Insolvency

Recently, insolvency cases have involved international elements such as overseas creditors and assets located in foreign jurisdictions. As such, resolving international issues is important to fully implement and complete insolvency proceedings. Specialized skill and knowledge are required to cope with these international issues, such as the implementation of recognition proceedings to secure the assets located in foreign jurisdictions, as well as conducting negotiations with overseas creditors. Our firm has lawyers who are qualified to practice various foreign laws and who have considerable experience handling international insolvency matters and are able to give advice on international issues. Our firm also has established networks with foreign law firms on a global basis, including Asia, US and Europe, and is able to provide a one-stop service whenever foreign legal advice is necessary.

Our Newsletter related to this practice area
(1)Insolvency Practice in China - Subsidiaries in China and utilization of bankruptcy proceedings
(2)Various aspects of US Bankruptcy Law #1 - How bankruptcy is viewed differently in Japan and the United States
(3)Various Aspects of the US Bankruptcy Law #2 - Automatic Stay I
(4)Various Aspects of the US Bankruptcy Law #3 - Automatic Stay Ⅱ
(5)Business Reorganization in Canada ⸺ Based on a Recent Case Regarding a Subsidiary of a Japanese Company
(6)Various Aspects of the US Bankruptcy Law #4 -Can Receivables be Collected through Offsetting?
(7)Insolvency proceedings in India
(8)Various Aspects of the US Bankruptcy Law #5 -Venue for Chapter 11 filings
(9)Latest Trends in Chapter 11 Filings in the United States - Barneys -
(10)Various Aspects of the US Bankruptcy Law #6 -Validity of Contract Termination on the Basis of "Filing Bankruptcy"
(11)Corporate Liquidation Proceedings in Singapore
(12)Personal Property Security Act of the Philippines
(13)Restructuring-type Procedures in Malaysia
(14)Withdrawal of Chinese Subsidiaries - Legislation Relating to Liquidation and Bankruptcy and the Current Situation
(15)Insolvency and Liquidation Proceedings in Singapore - Proceedings for Recognition of and Assistance to Foreign Insolvency Proceedings
(16)Bankruptcy of a Party that Agreed to Resolve Disputes through Arbitration Proceedings

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