Competition/Consumer Protection Litigation

Our law firm has handled a significant number of landmark litigation cases before administrative bodies and courts to contest orders issued by regulatory authorities. We have also dealt with numerous civil litigation cases, from both plaintiff and defendant sides, for injunctive relief and/or compensation of damages, etc. with respect to competition and consumer protection laws. Moreover, we are eligible to handle new types of lawsuits (such as lawsuits seeking injunctions filed by qualified consumer organizations under the Consumer Contract Act or the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, and lawsuits seeking declaratory judgments on common obligations under the Act on Special Measures Concerning Civil Court Proceedings for the Collective Redress for Property Damage Incurred by Consumers) using the latest available knowledge and information. We provide the most suitable strategic solutions to competition/consumer protection litigation cases, using experience we have acquired and developed through the various litigation cases we have handled.

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【Online Seminar】 Points to be Checked in Practice Regarding the Freelance Act Effective November 1, 2024
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【Online Seminar】 Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (16): Handling of Consumer Issues
【Online Seminar】 Series of Seminars on Latest Court Decisions (24): Commentary on the Latest Court Decisions concerning the Anti-monopoly Law and Consumer Law
[Online Seminar: Video Streaming] Basics of the Anti-Monopoly Act and Subcontract Act
【Onilne Seminar】Series of Seminars on Latest Court Decisions (17): Commentary on the Latest Court Decisions Relating to the Act on Special Measures Concerning Consumer Court Proceedings
【Onilne Seminar】Catch up on the Premiums and Representations Act - Focusing on Recent Topics
【Onilne Seminar】Series of Seminars on Latest Court Decisions (9): Explanation on the Latest Court Decisions Concerning Antitrust Law and Consumer Law
Risks Relating to Use of External Human Resources -- Examination of "Employment" and "Quasi-Employment" Working Styles from the View Points of Labor Law and Anti-Monopoly Law
【Online Seminar】 The Latest Revisions to the Anti-Monopoly Act and Practice Thereunder - The Measures that Should be Taken by Companies against the Enforcement of the Revised Act -
Competition Law Issues over Collection and Use of Personal Data
Points to Consider regarding the Anti-Monopoly Act upon Contract Negotiation
Current Developments in U.S. Antitrust Laws and Cross-Border M&A ~Consideration for Japanese Businesses: International Cartel Investigations・Litigation・M&A Activities~
Recent Developments Related to Antitrust Laws and Practical Responses Thereto

