Competition/Consumer Protection Compliance
Changes occur rapidly in the area of competition and consumer protection laws. Sometimes compliance manuals that were written ten years ago are no longer applicable to current situations. It is therefore imperative that compliance programs be constantly updated to appropriately reflect changes in competition and consumer protection laws, their interpretation and/or practices.
Additionally, the appropriate and effective implementation of measures to prevent any misconduct is necessary not only to comply with the Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, which obligates enterprises to develop such measures, but also to comply with competition law and the Subcontract Act. It is highly recommended that a management system be built and maintained, which would enable the early discovery of potentially illegal conduct at the very moment they take place.
Our law firm provides legal advice and services on building/modifying internal management systems and compliance policies/manuals, providing in-house legal training, and conducting internal investigations (internal audits), by carefully considering the implementation of such measures in light of the relevant enterprise's size, industry, characteristics of the products/services provided and so forth. Such legal advice and services are based on our deep understanding of why and how illegal conduct takes place, which we have developed through our extensive experience of handling similar cases.
Lawyers in charge of Competition/Consumer Protection Compliance
- Shiro Kuniya
- Teppei Mogi
- Kazuhiro Kobayashi
- Ko Matsui
- Tetsuya Nagasawa
- Takashi Ishii
- Fumi Takatsuki
- Kagenori Sako
- Takuro Yamaguchi
- Yuichi Oda
- Shohei Furukawa
- Kosuke Yoshimura
- Tatsuki Otawa
- Mizuki Kanno
- Takashi Komoguchi
- Yuta Shozaki
- Takahiro Nakayama
- Yuki Tsuchiya
- Yusuke Morimoto
- Yuzo Ogata
- Sho Yamamoto
- Tomomi Fukutomi
- Naoya Kobayashi
- Tatsuya Tachimura
- 2023.05.02
- GLI Cartels 2023 - Japan Chapter
- 2022.02.04
- Antimonopoly Act Consultation Handbook
- 2022.01.07
- Recent Tends in the Subcontract Act: Focusing on the Regulation of the Terms of Trade Itself
- 2021.11.01
- Examination and Analysis of Regulations against Abuse of Superior Bargaining Position 4th Edition
- 2021.09.15
- [Series] E-Commerce Practices (Points to Note in Drafting Terms and Conditions.etc.) (No. 10)
- 2021.05.17
- Private Antitrust Litigation
- 2020.10.15
- [Series] E-Commerce Practices (No. 3): Points to Note in Drafting Terms and Conditions (3)
- 2020.09.15
- [Series] E-Commerce Practices (No. 2): Points to Note in Drafting Terms and Conditions (2)
- 2020.08.15
- [Series] E-Commerce Practices (No. 1): Points to Note in Drafting Terms and Conditions (1)
- 2020.04.25
- Recent Developments Concerning the Subcontract Act and Points to Note in Terms of Compliance
- 2015.03.01
- The Antimonopoly Act (Supervising Editor)
- 2014.06.20
- Ronten-Taikei:The Anti-Monopoly Act
- 2013.01.01
- The Cartels and Leniency Review