[Court Case] A Case Regarding the Legality of the Assignment and other Conditions upon Return from Childcare Leave Related to the Organizational Change that Occurred during the Leave

Other publications by Natsuki Yamato


Other publications about Employment Consulting

[Court Case] A Case in which the Employer’s Unilateral Relocation Order Despite an Agreement to Limit the Job Type was Determined to be Unlawful
[Court Case] A Case in which a Reduction of Retirement Allowance Based on Breach of the Post-Termination Non-Competition Clause in the Employment Agreement was Determined to be Valid
[Court Case] A Case Regarding the Legality of the Assignment and other Conditions upon Return from Childcare Leave Related to the Organizational Change that Occurred during the Leave
[Court Case] Obligation to Pay Wages for Non-working Hours due to 'Maternity Harassment'
[Court Case] The Supreme Court Decision on whether or not the System of Deemed Working Hours Outside the Workplace Applies
[Court Case] A Case in which the Status as an Employee under the Labor Standards Act was Affirmed with Respect to an Idol Group Member
[Court Case] A Case in which On-call Hours of a Medical Resident were Denied as Working Hours
Doing Business In... 2024 Trends and Developments
Summary of Major Issues Concerning the Handling of Health Information at the Workplace
Examination of the “Non-statutory Medical Examination” and the “Employee with Suicidal Thoughts”
Work-style Reform and the 2024 Logistic Problem
Business Practice/Hanrei Riview ≪Case Studies≫ Sakai Hikkoshi center Case (The Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo District Court, August 9, 2023, Rodo Hanrei No.1305, p.5)
[Court Case] A Case in which a Reassignment Order for the Purpose of Personnel Management was Declared Valid
[Column] "Personal Information" and "Privacy" that HR Staff Members Should Understand
Failure Studies on Industrial Health across Multiple Occupations (Yokogawa Electric case)
[Court Case] A Case in which it was Determined Valid to Refuse Renewal of a Fixed-term Employment Contract that has a Non-renewal Clause Added after Several Renewals
[Court Case] A Case in which a Dismissal due to Winding-up of the Company was Found Valid
[Serial Article/Legal Affairs for Companies Expanding Overseas] [No.8] Duties of Companies to their Employees in Overseas Countries During a Crisis Therein and the Response to Such Crisis – From the Perspectives of Governing Law and Duty of Care for Safety
Doing Business In... 2023 Trends and Developments
Handling of Genetic Information in the Workplace and Practical Actions -- Approach Using Hypothetical Cases Concerning Hereditary Tumors Symposium - From a Lawyer’s Perspective (essay based on the presentation at Symposium No. 3, the Second Academic Congress, The Japan Association of Occupational Health Law)
Business Practice/Hanrei Riview ≪Case Studies≫ Hagoromo Gakuen (Hagoromo International University) Case (Osaka High Court, January 18, 2023, Rodo Hanrei No.1285, p.18)
Legal Protection for Freelancers - Legal Protection Laws for Freelancers and Worker Status under the Labour Union Law -
Introducing Amendments of Major HR and Labor-Related Laws and Regulations
How to Protect Assets in Relation to Digital Salary Payment - With regard to the Publication of Partial Revision of the "Guideline for Administrative Processes (Vol. 3: Financial Companies)" (Draft) (Dated February 17, 2023)
Doing Business In... 2022 Trends and Developments
Addressing Legal Issues Relating to the Resurgence of Covid-19 in China - Focusing on Treatment of Employees and Actions toward Trading Counterparties
Key Points and Things to Note Regarding the Amended Act on Childcare Leave and Caregiver Leave, Which will be Enforced in Phases from April 1, 2022
Re-examination of Companies' Actions Regarding the Whistleblower Hotline -- In View of Upcoming Enforcement of the Amended Whistleblower Protection Act
Journal of management Lawyers Council No. 210 "Report of the 15th Conference for the Yearly Review of Important Court Decisions"
Doing Business In... 2021 Japan  Trends and Developments
Labor and Competition Legislation concerning Exploitative Acts toward Freelancers
COVID-19 and Corporate Legal Affairs – Legal Issues during/after COVID-19
Corporate Compliance on Utilization of External Human Resources - Intersection of Antimonopoly Act and Employment Law
Doing Business in Asia Pacific - IBA Asia Pacific Regional Forum, September 2020
Journal of management Lawyers Council No. 203 "Report of the 11th Conference for the Yearly Review of Important Court Decisions"
Points to Note in Employing Freelancers from the Perspective of the Anti-Monopoly Act and the Subcontract Act
(Selected by Attorneys!) Important Labor Case No. 161: The Case of E, a Medical Corporation (overtime work of an obstetrician)
(Selected by Attorneys!) Important Labor Case No. 155: The Case of the Harada Gakuen, an Incorporated Educational Institute (validity of an order changing the duties of a personwith visible impairments)
Lawyers Guide - Labor/Tax edition A Supplementary Volume to Business Law Journal No.113 (August 2017)


Other publications about Labor Disputes and Proceedings

[Court Case] A Case in which the Employer’s Unilateral Relocation Order Despite an Agreement to Limit the Job Type was Determined to be Unlawful
[Court Case] A Case in which a Reduction of Retirement Allowance Based on Breach of the Post-Termination Non-Competition Clause in the Employment Agreement was Determined to be Valid
[Court Case] A Case Regarding the Legality of the Assignment and other Conditions upon Return from Childcare Leave Related to the Organizational Change that Occurred during the Leave
[Court Case] Obligation to Pay Wages for Non-working Hours due to 'Maternity Harassment'
[Court Case] The Supreme Court Decision on whether or not the System of Deemed Working Hours Outside the Workplace Applies
[Court Case] A Case in which the Status as an Employee under the Labor Standards Act was Affirmed with Respect to an Idol Group Member
[Court Case] A Case in which On-call Hours of a Medical Resident were Denied as Working Hours
Business Practice/Hanrei Riview ≪Case Studies≫ Sakai Hikkoshi center Case (The Tachikawa Branch of the Tokyo District Court, August 9, 2023, Rodo Hanrei No.1305, p.5)
[Court Case] A Case in which a Reassignment Order for the Purpose of Personnel Management was Declared Valid
[Court Case] Whether it is Legitimate to Demand Repayment of the Overseas Training Expenses from a Resigned Employee
[Court Case] A Case in which Encouragement of Resignation upon Becoming Aware of the Employee’s Mental Disorder was Found to be an Act to Harm his Moral Interest and Held Unlawful
Failure Studies on Industrial Health across Multiple Occupations (Yokogawa Electric case)
[Court Case] A Case in which the Application of the System of Deemed Working Hours Outside the Workplace was Denied for Medical Reps
[Court Case] A Case in which Conclusion of a Labor Contract was Denied because an Agreement had not been Reached on the Wage Amount
[Court Case] A Case in which it was Determined Valid to Refuse Renewal of a Fixed-term Employment Contract that has a Non-renewal Clause Added after Several Renewals
[Court Case] A Case in which a Dismissal due to Winding-up of the Company was Found Valid
[Serial Article/Legal Affairs for Companies Expanding Overseas] [No.8] Duties of Companies to their Employees in Overseas Countries During a Crisis Therein and the Response to Such Crisis – From the Perspectives of Governing Law and Duty of Care for Safety
[Court Case] A Case in which the Delay in Providing the Results of an Investigation Regarding Harassment and the Like to the Person who Reported the Incident was Found to be a Breach of the Duty of Care for Safety and the Principle of Good Faith and thereby Constitute a Breach of Obligation
[Court Case] A Case in which the Disciplinary Dismissal of an Employee who Refused a Relocation Order because he Had to Take Care of his Child with a Chronic Illness and Elderly Mother was Found Valid
[Court Case] A Case in which the Client’s Breach of the Duty of Care for Safety was Recognized with Respect to Harassment toward a Freelancer
[Court Case] A Case in which the Company’s Claim for Damages against a Former Employee on the Grounds of Breach of a Non-competition Obligation was Dismissed
Business Practice/Hanrei Riview ≪Case Studies≫ Hagoromo Gakuen (Hagoromo International University) Case (Osaka High Court, January 18, 2023, Rodo Hanrei No.1285, p.18)
Legal Protection for Freelancers - Legal Protection Laws for Freelancers and Worker Status under the Labour Union Law -
Journal of management Lawyers Council No. 210 "Report of the 15th Conference for the Yearly Review of Important Court Decisions"
Journal of management Lawyers Council No. 203 "Report of the 11th Conference for the Yearly Review of Important Court Decisions"
(Selected by Attorneys!) Important Labor Case No. 161: The Case of E, a Medical Corporation (overtime work of an obstetrician)
(Selected by Attorneys!) Important Labor Case No. 155: The Case of the Harada Gakuen, an Incorporated Educational Institute (validity of an order changing the duties of a personwith visible impairments)


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