Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Please apply from here
Practice Area : Corporate Investigation Corporate Governance/Shareholders Meeting Global Compliance International Commercial Contracts Chinese Practice Asia/Emerging Countries Desk Singapore Thailand Indonesia Cambodia and Laos Malaysia Vietnam
Date :
November 22, 2017 (Wednesday)
Venue : AP Tokyo Marunouchi(Nihon Seimei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, Marunouchi 1-1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005) For details
Speaker : Teppei Mogi Ko Matsui Norihiro Sekiguchi
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
seating capacity : 80
Venue : AP Tokyo Marunouchi(Nihon Seimei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, Marunouchi 1-1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005) For details
Speaker : Teppei Mogi Ko Matsui Norihiro Sekiguchi
Fumi Takatsuki
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
seating capacity : 80
Other Seminars by Teppei Mogi
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- The Evolution of Mediation - 5 years JIMC-Kyoto ‒ taking stock and looking into the future -
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars by Ko Matsui
Other Seminars by Norihiro Sekiguchi
- 2022.08.23
- 【Onilne Seminar】Latest Practice of Carve-out M&A : Aiming at Optimizing Business Portfolios
- 2019.04.16
- Venture Investments and Acquisitions by Business Companies - A Commentary based on Case Studies
- 2016.07.01
- How to use M&A Insurance in Cross-Border Deals - considering the perspective of insurance firms -
- 2016.04.01
- Best Practices for Complying With the Corporate Governance Code - preparing for AGMs 2016 -
- 2015.02.26
- Points to Note for M&As in Brazil
Other Seminars about International Commercial Contracts
- 2024.04.27
- Trade Agreements and Free Trade in East Asia
- 2024.04.24
- How the Singapore Convention on Mediation will Change Japan-Related Cross-Border Disputes
- 2022.06.02
- 【Online Seminar】Basic Model Clauses of English-Language Contracts - Part 2: Service Agreement
- 2022.04.14
- 【Online Seminar】Basic Model Clauses of English-Language Contracts - Part 1: Sales Agreement
- 2022.01.14
- 【Onilne Seminar】New Series of International Legal Practice Seminars (5): Distributorship Agreement
- 2021.06.29
- 【Online Seminar】International Legal Practice Seminar (10):The Basics and Practice of Arbitration
- 2020.01.17
- 90-Minute Review! Legal Practice in China in 2019 - Important Legislation and Amendments -
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Corporate Governance/Shareholders Meeting
- 2024.03.18
- Practices to Cope with Activist Shareholders/Shareholder Proposals and Corporate Governance
- 2022.04.22
- 【Online Seminar】Recent Trends in Hostile Takeovers - Case Studies and a Discussion of the Issues
- 2018.03.22
- Corporate Governance in Crisis Situation
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Asia/Emerging Countries Desk
- 2022.12.09
- Corporate management and ESG
- 2018.05.03
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
- 2017.05.31
- International Arbitration Trends in Korea
Other Seminars about Global Compliance
- 2022.12.09
- Corporate management and ESG
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Corporate Investigation
- 2024.07.31
- 【Online Seminar】Development and Active Use of the Whistleblowing System in Global Companies
- 2019.10.15
- Accidents due to Product Defects and Civil Disputes - Litigation Version & Prevention Version
- 2018.07.19
- Crisis Management and Compliance Measures -- Based on the Latest Practices of an American Law Firm
- 2018.02.10
- 【Nagoya】Summary of EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and Compliance Therewith
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Indonesia
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Vietnam
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Singapore
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Malaysia
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Chinese Practice
- 2020.01.17
- 90-Minute Review! Legal Practice in China in 2019 - Important Legislation and Amendments -
- 2019.02.28
- 【Tokyo】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
- 2019.02.19
- 【Osaka】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
- 2018.02.27
- Recent Developments regarding the Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan, the United States and China
- 2017.11.01
- Best Practices for Concluding Agreements in China (Documentation with a View to Collecting Claims)
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Thailand
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
Other Seminars about Cambodia and Laos
- 2023.03.14
- Workshop & Invention Business Contest
- 2017.05.31
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control