Important Issues in Business Legal Affairs in View of Latest Developments - Utilization of Intellectual Property (License)


Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law Endowed Lecture -10

Practice Area : License and Franchise

Date : November 28, 2019 (Thursday) 18:20- 20:05
Venue : Hitotsubashi University Chiyoda Champus
Speaker : Takashi Hirose
Organized by : Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Law & Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners

Other Seminars by Takashi Hirose

【Online Seminar】 Seminar on Legal Practices for Companies Expanding Their Business Abroad (11): Features and Points to Note concerning Patent Infringement Litigation in the U.S. through Comparison with Patent Infringe Litigation in Japan
【Onilne Seminar】Life Science Practice Seminar No.4: Basic Points to Note in License Agreements for Life Science
【Onilne Seminar】Life Science Practice Seminar No.3: Points to Note Regarding Joint R&D Agreements in the Field of Life Sciences
【Onilne Seminar】Life Science Practice Seminar No.2: Legal Practice for Collection of Pharmaceutical Products, etc.
【Osaka】Risk Management & Compliance Seminar ⑥ Answers to Questions You are Hesitant to Ask: Legal Responsibility of a Listed Company for Accounting Fraud and Management of Third Party Committees
【Tokyo】Risk Management & Compliance Seminar ⑥ Answers to Questions You are Hesitant to Ask: Legal Responsibility of a Listed Company for Accounting Fraud and Management of Third Party Committees
New York State Bar Association (NYSBA) International Section - Global Conference 2019 - Panel 11 Cross-Border Protection of Design
【Tokyo】Points to note in drafting arbitration clauses
【Tokyo】Choice of Arbitration Rules and Drafting Arbitration Clauses in light of the Amendment of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA) Rules
【Tokyo】 International Corporate Counsels Association (INCA) - Product and Store Design Protection by Unfair Competition Prevention Act and Copyright Act -
Recent Developments regarding the Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan, the United States and China
Exhaustion of Patent Rights in Japan, U.S. and China
Strategic Practices for Cross-Border Licensing -- Challenges of Licensing in China and Solutions Thereto


Other Seminars about License and Franchise

【Online Seminar】Legal Matters to Note After Expansion of a Franchise Business - Points to be Confirmed After Expansion/Before Listing
【Online Seminar】Basics and Practices of English-Language Contracts Learned in English Part 3: License Agreement - An Explanation of Selected Key Points
【Tokyo】90-Minute Review on the Points to Note in Handling Chinese-Foreign Joint Venture Contracts and Technical Licenses - In Preparation for the Enactment of the New Foreign Investment Law of China -
【Osaka】90-Minute Review on the Points to Note in Handling Chinese-Foreign Joint Venture Contracts and Technical Licenses - In Preparation for the Enactment of the New Foreign Investment Law of China -
【Osaka】Understanding in 90 Minutes! - Overview of the Changes Made to the Employee's Invention Reward System by the 2015 Amendment to the Patent Act and Remaining Issues
【Tokyo】Understanding in 90 Minutes! - Overview of the Changes Made to the Employee's Invention Reward System by the 2015 Amendment to the Patent Act and Remaining Issues
Basic Practical Issues of International Technology License Agreements - Essential Knowledge for Understanding and Drafting Agreements
The Legal Practice on Business Expansions to Southeast Asia - Latest Updates on the Changing Legal Practice in the Philippines A Year After the Inauguration of President Duterte ~Tips on New Business Development in the Philippines


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