What if an Athlete of Your Corporate Team is Suspended? - Various Issues Ranging from the Basics of Sports Disputes to Troubles in Qualification for the Olympics
Practice Area : Sports
Date :
February 3, 2020 (Monday)
Venue : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners Tokyo Office(Kishimoto Building 2F 2-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan) For details
Speaker : So Miyamoto
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners Westlaw Japan K.K.(Joint Hosting)
seating capacity : 40
Venue : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners Tokyo Office(Kishimoto Building 2F 2-2-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan) For details
Speaker : So Miyamoto
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners Westlaw Japan K.K.(Joint Hosting)
seating capacity : 40