【Onilne Seminar】Series of Seminars on Latest Court Decisions (15): A Commentary on Latest Court Decisions Regarding the Product Liability Act
Practice Area : General Corporate Practice Product Liability
Date :
September 30, 2022 (Friday)
Speaker : Yugo Komori
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
Speaker : Yugo Komori
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
Other Seminars by Yugo Komori
- 2019.10.15
- Accidents due to Product Defects and Civil Disputes - Litigation Version & Prevention Version
- 2019.02.28
- 【Tokyo】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
- 2019.02.19
- 【Osaka】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
Other Seminars about Product Liability
- 2019.10.15
- Accidents due to Product Defects and Civil Disputes - Litigation Version & Prevention Version
- 2019.02.28
- 【Tokyo】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
- 2019.02.19
- 【Osaka】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
Other Seminars about General Corporate Practice
- 2025.02.06
- [Online Seminar] Important Clauses in Distributorship Agreements and Practical Points to Note
- 2022.06.02
- 【Online Seminar】Basic Model Clauses of English-Language Contracts - Part 2: Service Agreement
- 2022.04.14
- 【Online Seminar】Basic Model Clauses of English-Language Contracts - Part 1: Sales Agreement