[Online Seminar: Video Streaming] Life Science Practice Seminar No.9: Life Science Issues in China - Updates on Amendment of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, and Regulations on Efficacy Claims and Extravagant Advertisements of Cosmetics in China
2022.12.12 ~2023.02.12
Practice Area : Crisis Management Chinese Practice
Date :
December 12, 2022 (Monday)
-February 12, 2023 (Sunday)
Speaker : Fumi Takatsuki
Speaker : Fumi Takatsuki
Other Seminars by Fumi Takatsuki
Other Seminars about Crisis Management
Other Seminars about Chinese Practice
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- 【Osaka】Seminar on the Recall System for Chinese, Japanese, American and European Products
- 2018.02.27
- Recent Developments regarding the Doctrine of Equivalents in Japan, the United States and China
- 2017.11.22
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
- 2017.11.01
- Best Practices for Concluding Agreements in China (Documentation with a View to Collecting Claims)
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- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control