Corporate and Dispute Resolution Practices in Southeast Asia - Tokyo
We are pleased to co-host a seminar entitled, "Corporate and Dispute Resolution Practices in Southeast Asia," as part of our efforts to assist current business expansions to Southeast Asia. We will invite some lawyers of our co-organizer of the seminar, Allen & Gledhill LLP, which is a prominent large-scale law firm in Singapore that handles a wide range of matters. Together, we will provide the latest information on corporate and dispute resolution practices in Southeast Asia.
For some parts of the seminar that will be presented in English, simultaneous interpretation will be available.
PartⅠ Corporate and M&A
Yoichiro Ono
Chiam Tao Koon(Partner in Allen&Gledhill LLP)
Part Ⅱ Dispute Resolution
Shin Tada
Chua Kee Loon (Partner in Allen&Gledhill LLP)
Part Ⅲ・Part Ⅳ Panel Discussion
Eriko Hayashi (Moderator)
Shiro Kuniya, Teppei Mogi, Ayako Kanamaru, Jason Jiao, and lawyers in Part Ⅰ~Ⅳ.
Please apply from HERE
Practice Area : M&A, Reorganization, and Business Alliance International Dispute Resolution Asia/Emerging Countries Desk International Arbitration
Venue : AP Tokyo Marunouchi(Nihon Seimei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F, Marunouchi 1-1-3, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005) For details
Speaker : Shiro Kuniya Teppei Mogi Yoichiro Ono Ayako Kanamaru
Organized by : Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners, Allen & Gledhill LLP(Joint Hosting)
seating capacity : 100
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- Amendment of Civil Code
- 2012.04.17
- Amendment of Civil Code
- 2001.11.19
- Cross-border Merger & Acquisition
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- Cross-border Merger & Acquisition
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- Corporate Auditor System in Japan, Compared with Legal Systems in the U.S., U.K. and Germany
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- Year 2000 and Legal Liability
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- Year 2000 and Legal Liability
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- Japan-U.S. Comparison of Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law/Re-start System for Failed Entrepreneurs
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- ADR in the Emerging Economies and Japan
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- Joint Venture Agreement
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- Role of Legal Counsel in the U.S.
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- Legal Aspects of Joint Ventures in Japan
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- OEM Agreement
- 1990.03.08
- Joint Venture and Licensing
- 1988.11.17
- International Joint Venture
Other Seminars by Teppei Mogi
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- 2017.11.22
- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
- 2017.05.31
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- 【Osaka】A Study of the Main Points of the Amendments of the Law of Obligations through Case Studies
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- 【Tokyo】A Study of the Main Points of the Amendments of the Law of Obligations through Case Studies
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- Billing structures in cross-border matters
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- The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Law
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- Labor Law Issues in M&A Transactions
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- Business Compliance in China
Other Seminars by Yoichiro Ono
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- 2014.02.01
- The Singapore Legal System
Other Seminars by Ayako Kanamaru
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Other Seminars about Asia/Emerging Countries Desk
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- Corporate management and ESG
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- Overseas Subsidiaries and Internal Control
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- International Arbitration Trends in Korea
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- The Quest for Speedy Dispute Resolution in Japan and California through International Arbitration
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- 【Online Seminar】Points Parties Should Know to Navigate the JCAA's Interactive Arbitration Rules
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- Dispute Resolution in the Lands of Smiles
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- 【Online Seminar】International Legal Practice Seminar (10):The Basics and Practice of Arbitration
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Other Seminars about International Dispute Resolution
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- Philippines & SE Asia: Annual International Arbitration & Corporate Crime Summit (LegalPlus)
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- 【Online Seminar】International Legal Practice Seminar (10):The Basics and Practice of Arbitration
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- 【Online Seminar】Recent Trends in Hostile Takeovers - Case Studies and a Discussion of the Issues
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- 【Online Seminar】Series of M&A Legal Practice Seminars (7): M&A Activism and Counter Takeover Bids
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- Key Points in M&A - Learning from Disputes
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- Venture Investments and Acquisitions by Business Companies - A Commentary based on Case Studies
- 2018.11.09
- Philippine Legal Practice Update ~ Ideas for Developing New Business in the Philippines ~
- 2017.04.01
- Exit Strategy
- 2012.07.05
- Integration of Workers and Cultures in M&As