Getting the Deal Through - Market Intelligence M&A : Japan Chapter
1. What trends are you seeing in overall activity levels for mergers and acquisitions in your jurisdiction during the past year or so?
2. Which sectors have been particularly active or stagnant? What are the underlying reasons for these activity levels? What size are typical transactions?
3. What were the recent keynote deals? What made them so significant?
4. In your experience, what consideration do shareholders in a target tend to prefer? Are mergers and acquisitions in your jurisdiction primarily cash or share transactions? Are shareholders generally willing to accept shares issued by a foreign acquirer?
5. How has the legal and regulatory landscape for mergers and acquisitions changed during the past few years in your jurisdiction?
6. Describe recent developments in the commercial landscape. Are buyers from outside your jurisdiction common?
7. Are shareholder activists part of the corporate scene? How have they influenced M&A?
8. Take us through the typical stages of a transaction in your jurisdiction.
9. Are there any legal or commercial changes anticipated in the near future that will materially affect practice or activity in your jurisdiction?
10. What does the future hold? What activity levels do you expect for the next year? Which sectors will be the most active? Do you foresee any particular geopolitical or macroeconomic developments that will affect deal sizes and activity?
The Inside Track
桥本 小智
上原 拓也
书籍名和刊登杂志:Getting the Deal Through - Market Intelligence M&A
出版社等:Law Business Research Ltd.
兼并收购(M&A) 企业重组 业务合作
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