OH-EBASHI English Newsletter 2020 Winter Issueを発行いたしました


Oh-Ebashi English Newsletter 2020 Winter Issueを発行いたしました。

English Newsletterバックナンバーはこちらからご覧いただけます。


1. Amendments to the Antimonopoly Act(弁護士 吉村 幸祐
I. Introduction
The amendments to the Antimonopoly Act1 will take effect on December 25, 2020 (when amended, the"Amended Antimonopoly Act"). While the amendments cover a wide range of aspects, this article will highlight some of the key that will result from the amendments.(続きはPDFを御覧ください。

2. New Financial Service Intermediary Business License (弁護士 澤井 俊之
I. Introduction
To enhance the convenience and protection of customers of financial intermediary services, a new financial service intermediary business license system has been created by the recent amendment of the Act on Sales, etc., of Financial Instruments. The law will be renamed the Act on Provision of Financial Services (the "Act") and the amendments are expected to take effect by the end of 2021.
By obtaining the new license, service providers will be entitled to provide customers a wide range of financial intermediary services flexibly and in harmony with their own business models.(続きはPDFを御覧ください。

3. Regulation of Continuous Transactions by Foreign Companies in Japan (弁護士 宮本 聡・外国法事務弁護士 ミリアム・ローズ・アイヴァン・ロペズ・ペレイラ
I. Introduction
The Companies Act of Japan (the "Act") regulates the conduct of continuous transactions by foreign companies1 in Japan. In particular, foreign companies that do not have any form of office in Japan, but intend to carry out transactions continuously in Japan by themselves must first appoint and register at least one resident representative in Japan.2 Foreign companies are prohibited from engaging in continuous transactions before completing the registration process.3 Certain disclosure and other obligations must also be observed by such foreign companies. This article discusses the requirements that must be met by foreign companies without offices in Japan.(続きはPDFを御覧ください。


