OH-EBASHI English Newsletter 2024 Spring Issueを発行いたしました


OH-EBASHI English Newsletter 2024 Spring Issueを発行いたしました。

English Newsletterバックナンバーはこちらからご覧いただけます。


Overview of Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers: Enhancing Corporate Value and Securing Shareholders' Interests - Part II (弁護士 尾形 優造
This article has been divided into two parts. Part I covered the scope, basic principles and perspectives of the Guidelines for Corporate Takeovers (the"Guidelines") as well as the code of conduct that directors and the board of directors must observe concerning acquisitions.
This Part II discusses increased transparency of acquisitions and takeover response policies and countermeasures......( 続きはPDFをご覧ください。

Updates on the LGBTQ+ Status in Japan and Duties of Companies Related Thereto (弁護士 山本 大輔
This is an update to my previous article that was published in June 20231 regarding the LGBTQ+ status in Japan. The duties of companies related thereto are also discussed herein.
To achieve equality in Japan, among other things, there must be a clear right to same-sex marriage and LGBTQ+ people must be guaranteed protection against violence. In this regard, Japan has achieved significant progress, including enactment of a law, two pro-transgender Supreme Court decisions, and one new gay-friendly Supreme Court decision. This trend demands that companies take LGBTQ+ policies seriously.....( 続きはPDFをご覧ください。


