FAQ on Investments in Medical Organizations
Q1. What are the main features of the Japanese medical system?
Q2. Who can engage in medical services in Japan?
Q3. What are the major restrictions on medical corporations?
Q4. What characteristics do medical corporations have compared to regular business corporations?
Q5. Is there any specific restrictions on foreign investments in medical organizations?
Q6. How can investments be made in medical organizations in Japan?
Q7. Are there alternative ways to invest in a medical corporation?
Q8. What are the important things to note when investing in an MS Corporation?
田中 宏岳
掲載:Oh-Ebashi English Newsletter 2018 Winter Issue
書籍名・掲載誌:Oh-Ebashi Newsletter 2018 Winter Issue
出版社等:Oh-Ebashi LPC & Partners
出版日: 2018年12月21日
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