Employment and Immigration Law Guide 2022 Jurisdiction:Japan
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1. What is the current situation for incoming immigrants in your jurisdiction (for example, difficult to apply, restrictive system, open and welcoming jurisdiction)?
2. What are the major laws and regulations that govern immigration matters in your jurisdiction?
3. What are the most common types of immigration visas in your jurisdiction?
4. What are the major requirements and procedures for applying investment-based immigration visas in your jurisdiction (for example, application fee, investment criteria and qualifications)?
5. What are the major requirements and procedures for applying employment-based immigration visas in your jurisdiction (for example. application fee, job nature and qualifications)?
6. Other than investment and employment based visas, are there any other types of popular immigration visas in your jurisdiction (for example, skilled visas and golden visas)? What are the requirements and procedures for applying such visas (such as application fee and qualifications)?
7. Are family members (for example, spouse and children) of a principle applicant eligible to apply for dependent visas? What are the requirements and procedures for applying such visas and what benefits are they entitled to (for example, study and work opportunities)?
8. Are there any restrictions on nonpermanent residents or non-citizens buying real estate properties in your jurisdiction (for example, higher stamp duty tax, etc)?
9. What are the main taxes that could apply to immigrants who have secured the permanent resident status in your jurisdiction? Is there any legitimate way to avoid paying such taxes?
10. What are the steps needed to become a citizen after acquiring permanent residency in your jurisdiction (for example, interview, language test and medical check)?
11 .What benefits are immigrants entitled to once they have their visas, permanent residencies or citizenships obtained (for example, access to social welfare such as healthcare, education loans, vouchers and housing assistance)?
12. How long can an applicant be absent from your jurisdiction when the status application, permanent residency or citizenship naturalization is in process (ie the period of time the applicants are allowed to travel outside your jurisdiction with the continuous residence requirement being satisfied simultaneously)? Apart from the continuous residence requirement, are there any other conditions or requirements for permanent residents to maintain their permanent residency status in your jurisdiction?
13. Does a criminal record of an applicant of any jurisdiction affect the process of visa application, permanent residency or citizenship naturalization in your jurisdiction? If so, to what extent?
14. Besides criminal history of an applicant, what are the major reasons that a visa application will likely be declined? Is there any appeal mechanism against denial decisions available in your jurisdiction (if yes, how it should be done)?
15. Under what circumstances are immigrants required to report to an authority (eg Department of Home Office) of your jurisdiction during the process of visa application, permanent residency or citizenship naturalization? What documents should they bring along with them?
16. Does your jurisdiction allow immigrants to hold dual or multiple citizenships? If no: (1) What happens if immigrants refuse to renounce any or all of their existing citizenships or permanent residencies of other jurisdictions?
17. Is there any compulsory military service in your jurisdiction? If so, are immigrants with permanent residency or citizenship status be also affected? Is there any exemption for first generation immigrants?
18. What are the most common difficulties faced by immigrants when they first arrive your jurisdiction? Are there any public services or resources available for them in order to overcome these challenges?
19. Are there any proposals for reform to the laws and regulations governing immigration matters currently being considered?
20. What changes in immigration practices have been implemented in light of current events? (for example, relaxation of immigration rules such as shorter continuous residence, automatic extension of expiring visas, etc)? Are there any "new normal" practical tips in your jurisdiction immigrants should be aware of when considering immigration?
高槻 史
金丸 絢子
山本 龍太朗
福冨 友美
書籍名・掲載誌:Employment and Immigration Law Guide 2022
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