Overview of the Indonesia's Anti-Corruption Law & How to Best Mitigate the Risk
To provide an overview of the Anti-Corruption Law in Indonesia and how organizations can navigate the respective risks, Dentons HPRP, a leading law firm in Indonesia, and Kroll, the leading independent provider of risk and financial advisory solutions, will present a virtual discussion that includes the framework of the Anti- Corruption Law, best practices, and the framework related to the anti-bribery system. The discussion will cover frequently asked questions and case studies related to bribery cases. During the discussion, a qualified attorney in Japan and the NY States will provide a brief overview of a legal update on Anti-Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in Japan.
・Timothy Joseph Inkiriwang (Partner, Dentons HPRP): Overview of the Anti-Corruption Law in Indonesia
・Kohei Omi (Of Counsel, Dentons HPRP): Anti-Briberyof Foreign Public Officials in Japan
・Deni R. Tama (Managing Director, Kroll Indonesia):Bribery Risk Identification and the Respective Mitigation Strategy
セミナー会場:ZOOM Webinar
講演者等:逢見 昂平
主催等:Dentons HPRP・Kroll Indonesia 共催
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